Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another one bites the dust: Poehler to leave SNL

Amy Poehler recently announced that shes leaving SNL in November after the birth of her first child. Poehler is leaving to dedicate her time to her upcoming projects: The Mighty B and The Office spin off. Hopefully she'll be able to follow in the footsteps of Tiney Fey, Julia-Louise Dreyfus, Jane Curtain and other successful SNL alumni.

According to an article written last year on the Huffington Post; SNL has had 116 cast members over its 32 year history. However, only 36 have been women - and only 20 of those women survived more then one season. Even fewer SNL lady-alumni have graduated to successful post-SNL careers (unlike their male counterparts, of which there are many: Chris Rock, Mike Myers, Chevy Chase, Billy Crystal, Martin Short, Eddie Murphy...) And only 3 have had "Best of ..." DVDs (Gilda Radner, Molly Shannon, Sheri Oteri).

Most likely, Poehler will be successful since she's already off to a good start. Not to mention she gets to go home to that sexy beast Will Arnette every night.

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