Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Douche of the Week: Michael Buble

Maybe it was his lame renditions of classic songs already made famous by more talented people. Or maybe it was the fact that he talks a lot of shit for a porky Canadian kid. But most likely it was the rumored infidelity that finally convinced Emily Blunt (Devil Wears Prada, The Jane Austin Book Club) to drop Michael Buble like a fat chick letting lose on a Friday night.

In response to his recent breakup, the 33-year old singer said: "I'll go home and I'll curl up in a ball and I'll cry. I'm not kidding. I'll just cry." DOUCHE BAG!

According to Lainey Gossip, Buble was accused of cheating on Blunt (in her own bed) with another woman who had photographic evidence. And now that he's single, Buble has been gallivanting around town with tons of different women. He probably uses the above mentioned quote as a line on girls - and somehow it works. Which brings me back to this post...

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