Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"We Want You" to be Gay!

Gay Magazine (based out of the UK) hired an advertising firm to design ads to persuade (or recruit?) straight men into homosexuality. Here are a few...
Nothing like a seaman to get the forces out.

These women represent your choice - which is why you should be gay. Although its offensive to women - its also effective. If I was a gay woman, it would turn me straight.

"Guy minds think alike," except this guy wants beer while the other wants tea..bagging. Not exactly the same thought.

This one lists it reasons - among them: "Because men improve with age"
"Because responsibility is easy to avoid"
"Because beards and chest hair are sexy. But not on women"
"Because women need a reason to have sex. Men need a place"

"Anything she can do..."
This one is the winner - crude, creative and funny. Well played sir... well played.

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